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At Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive back pain treatment in Forest Hills, NY. Our experienced team understands the impact that back pain can have on daily life, and we are committed to delivering personalized care that addresses your unique needs.
- Advanced Spinal Decompression
- Chiropractic Y-Strap
- Functional Enzyme Therapy
Advanced Spinal Decompression
What is “Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy”?
Instead of Back Surgery or Injections, Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy uses traction to gently pull apart compressed vertebrae in order to alleviate back pain and heal dysfunctional spinal discs.
It's pain free, drug free, surgery free and addresses the problem rather than masking the symptoms.
How does it work?
The KDT Spinal Decompression Table uses a sophisticated harness and pulley system to gently stretch your spinal chord releasing the pressure on crushed spinal discs.
Will it cure my back pain, or just relieve my symptoms temporarily?
As your vertebrae gradually separates, negative pressure is created, sucking displaced spinal material back into the correct positionand allowing your body's natural healing mechanisms to regenerate healthy discs for long-term Pain Free living.

Advanced Spinal Decompression
What is “Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy”?
Instead of Back Surgery or Injections, Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy uses traction to gently pull apart compressed vertebrae in order to alleviate back pain and heal dysfunctional spinal discs.
It’s pain free, drug free, surgery free and addresses the problem rather than masking the symptoms.
How does it work?
The KDT Spinal Decompression Table uses a sophisticated harness and pulley system to gently stretch your spinal chord releasing the pressure on crushed spinal discs.
Will it cure my back pain, or just relieve my symptoms temporarily?
As your vertebrae gradually separates, negative pressure is created, sucking displaced spinal material back into the correct positionand allowing your body’s natural healing mechanisms to regenerate healthy discs for long-term Pain Free living.
Chiropractic Y-Strap
What Is Chiropractic Manmual Spinal Decompression Adjustment?
Chiropractic Spinal Care uses the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model to restore health and functionality to the spine using a combination of targeted therapies to relieve pain and improve posture.
What is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model?
It "emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional based outcomes ".
Why is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model important?
This model is important and unique in that it aims to treat the structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture. It is also an evidence-based model whereby the ideal posture and spinal alignment goals are based on numerous scientific studies. This means that your personal goal is not based on a doctor's subjective opinion of an ideal posture or ideal spinal alignment for you.

Chiropractic Y-Stap
What Is Chiropractic Manmual Spinal Decompression Adjustment?
Chiropractic Spinal Care uses the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model to restore health and functionality to the spine using a combination of targeted therapies to relieve pain and improve posture.
What is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model?
It “emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional based outcomes “.
Why is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model important?
This model is important and unique in that it aims to treat the structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture. It is also an evidence-based model whereby the ideal posture and spinal alignment goals are based on numerous scientific studies. This means that your personal goal is not based on a doctor’s subjective opinion of an ideal posture or ideal spinal alignment for you.
Functional Enzyme Therapy
If you are sick, or if you want to prevent illness then, you need to take Immediate Action:
With over 10 years of experience helping people just like you achieve their health goals, Dr. Nektalov has the knowledge and experience to make a difference in your health. Our HEALTH CENTER specializes in Functional Digestive Nutritional Testing and Functional Enzyme Therapy. Based on blood and urine test procedures that are reliable, reproducible and measurable, we can pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
Your Initial Visit:
You will have opportunity to speak with Dr. Nektalov about your health challenges and goals. He will take very detail health history, if he believes that someone else is better to help you with achieving your goals, he will tell you exactly who that would be. If Dr. Nektalov believes he can help you, he will start with Visceral Stress Points Exam. For more objective exam Dr. Nektalov will order Blood work and 24-Hour Urine Analysis. While we are waiting for results (7-10 business days), you will take home Signs & Symptoms Assessment. Once we receive your blood & urine results from the laboratory, Dr. Nektalov will analyse it for Nutritional Deficiency. We will then call you to set up follow up visit with Dr. Nektalov for Recommendation of Care. Based on your blood and urine test results Dr. Nektalov will pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
What are ENZYMES?
Enzymes are very large complex protein molecules. They are responsible for the pre-digestion of our food. Enzymes need to be activated in order for them to do their very specific work. Besides moisture, they require three things to become active: the proper temperature, the proper pH (acid or alkaline), and the right substrate (or material) to break down. For example, protease, the enzyme that breaks down protein will only work on protein, not carbohydrate. Enzymes run every biochemical reaction in our body. This means that enzymes do the WORK in the body whereas vitamins and minerals, also known as coenzymes, are only building blocks. What is poorly understood is how important enzymes are to digestion and to the concept of staying healthy. Think of enzymes as the workers or builders of a house. The house is made up of raw materials called: Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. To build the house, the enzymes put all of the raw materials together to build the house. If there are no enzymes present, the house won’t be built. If there are very few enzymes present, it will take years to build the house; or, the house may never get built at all. Enzymes also nourish the immune system. The immune system is responsible for keeping us from getting sick by destroying bacteria, and viruses.
These are some of the most common problems that our patients present with:
Click on the conditions below to get more information
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain is one of the biggest causes of drug addiction today. Plant enzymes along with proper Chiropractic Care have been successfully used to help chronic pain sufferers.
Bone Problems
Are you suffering with pain and stiffness of your joints? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other bone problems? Today modern medicine realizes that calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, glucosamine and collegian are important nutrients for bone health. Unfortunately modern medicine forgets that the only way these nutrients can be carried to the cells is via protein. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest protein efficiently? If bone health is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are arthritis or osteoporosis. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Pain in the head
Pain in the head can be quite debilitating. In our office we strive to find the structural and nutritional cause of the pain. Through proper functional testing we are able to identify exactly what foods trigger the patient’s head pain. Once you know the cause of the problem the treatment becomes obvious. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is headache. While the condition of a headache requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Neck and back discomfort
Did you know that neck and back discomfort account for the most time lost from work after the common cold? Once surgery, manipulation, or physical therapy is performed it is vital to make sure that the patient is ingesting, digesting, and assimilating the proper nutrients to aid in healing the affected tissue. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose where the nutritional dysfunction has occurred and fix the problem.
Are you suffering with pain and burning in the pit of your stomach or do you have chest pain, difficulty breathing, a cough, or any of the other symptoms that are associated with indigestion? Most people try to calm the symptoms with OTC medications like antacids. When the antacids no longer work they graduate to OTC proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec. If the symptoms prevail for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis are heartburn, gas, bloating, and GERD. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. When the OTC proton pump inhibitors no longer work they usually end up in the gastroenterologist’s office getting an endoscopic exam. Typically the endoscopic exam in patients with heartburn is usually benign so the doctor prescribes even stronger, prescription strength proton pump inhibitors. What the patient usually notices is that the medication either does not work, or it only minimally works, causing the need for more and more medication. The challenge is that ALL medications, even OTC medications have side effects.
Bowel problems
The last part of digestion is elimination of waste products. When a patient suffers from symptoms of bowel dysfunction, it is indicative that the patient is not digesting properly. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the problem is and through dietary modification and the prescribing of supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If the bowel is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are diarrhea or constipation. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Watery eyes/nasal discomfort
Watery Eyes, sneezing, runny/stuffed nose,skin irritations and fatigue are just some of the symptoms that many people sufferer with. None of the symptoms are any fun. Most treatments whether they are OTC medications, prescription medications, or shots are all designed to lessen the symptoms while doing nothing to treat the cause. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are allergies. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help improve the general health and well-being of the body.
Widespread muscle discomfort
Fatigue, joint pain, poor digestion, sleeplessness and depression are just some of the symptoms that people who are suffering with widepread muscle discomfort complain about. If these symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is fibromyalgia. While this condition requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. These patients are typically prescribed anti-depressants, pain medication, and psychotherapy. Incomplete digestion can lead to leaky gut syndrome which in turn leads to chronic inflammation. Enzyme nutrition looks to identify and stabilize leaky gut syndrome which in turn supports the inflammatory process.
When organs do not get the proper nutrition, or cannot remove their waste products properly, a very common symptom is fatigue. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal.
Weight Gain / Loss
Inability to control weight is a function of what we eat; how the nutrients are utilized; and how the waste products are removed. Enzyme nutrition looks to find the perfect diet and supplements for the individual patient through test procedures that are reliable, reproducible, and measurable.
Poor Sleep
Inability to sleep and poor sleep habits are running in epidemic proportions today. Enzyme nutrition uses functional testing procedures to make sure and insure that the adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system are getting the proper nutritional requirements to make sure that they are able to govern normal healthy sleep patterns.
Poor sugar digestion & utilization
All disease processes have nutritional components associated with them. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If poor sugar digestion and utilization occurs for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is diabetes. If you suffer from diabetes, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Nutritional support for the cardiac system
Even people with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). Today heart disease is the number one killer in America. If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Nutritional support for the immune system
People with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications. When the immune system becomes compromised for a long enough period any disease process such as Cancer, Aids, and MS. can occur. It is important to note that any medical condition will require treatment by a medical doctor; however enzyme nutrition will go a long way to give the body the nutritional support that it will require.
Unexplained Health Problems
If medicine is not able to identify and fix the problem; we have found that 99% of the time the problem is from a nutritional cause. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal. When cells are nourished properly and the waste is removed homeostasis (balance) can be achieved which often leads to resolution of unexplained health problems.
Prevention of illness
When the body undergoes nutritional stress for a long enough period of time, the organs break down and we become sick. Plant enzymes do two things: 1. Digest food and 2. Nourish the immune system. The immune system is what protects us from disease.
PMS & Enzymes
Are you suffering with symptoms of crying spells, headaches, bloating, bowel problems, back pain, mood swings, irritability, feeling worthless, and abdominal cramping due to your menstrual cycle? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other symptoms too? Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions and physical health. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Hormonal Imbalance
Women in their thirties and some even younger, have started to experience the early onset of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and their associated disorders. Some of these symptoms are depression, extreme fatigue and weariness, allergies, endometriosis [endometriosis symptoms], hair loss and probably facial hair growth, PMS [PMS symptoms], osteoporosis and many other symptoms. Unfortunately, if the symptoms are ignored in the initial stages, they typically worsen as time goes by. The symptoms of hormonal imbalance may be caused by a multitude of reasons, but the basic reason is that there is an incorrect relationship between the hormones, progesterone and estrogen or the minerals of calcium and potassium. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Memory Loss
Often a woman with PMS will experience forgetfulness, or short term memory loss. This can lead to a feeling of insecurity, consequently providing the impetus for a lack of self esteem. Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions as well as her memory. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Health Issues
Millions of women suffer from low function (medically referred to as hypothyroidism), especially in the perimenopausal and post-menopausal years. Unfortunately the conventional approach to problems is to treat the in isolation from the rest of the body. But that just isn’t how your body works. The gland has an intimate relationship with the other glands in your endocrine system, and interacts with them continuously. This is why dysfunction doesn’t always originate in the gland, and why health depends on the health of your entire endocrine system. For a gland to function normally it nutritionally requires iodine, fatty acids, protein, and calcium. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of stress can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.

Functional Enzyme Therapy
If you are sick, or if you want to prevent illness then, you need to take Immediate Action:
With over 10 years of experience helping people just like you achieve their health goals, Dr. Nektalov has the knowledge and experience to make a difference in your health. Our HEALTH CENTER specializes in Functional Digestive Nutritional Testing and Functional Enzyme Therapy. Based on blood and urine test procedures that are reliable, reproducible and measurable, we can pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
Your Initial Visit:
You will have opportunity to speak with Dr. Nektalov about your health challenges and goals. He will take very detail health history, if he believes that someone else is better to help you with achieving your goals, he will tell you exactly who that would be. If Dr. Nektalov believes he can help you, he will start with Visceral Stress Points Exam. For more objective exam Dr. Nektalov will order Blood work and 24-Hour Urine Analysis. While we are waiting for results (7-10 business days), you will take home Signs & Symptoms Assessment. Once we receive your blood & urine results from the laboratory, Dr. Nektalov will analyse it for Nutritional Deficiency. We will then call you to set up follow up visit with Dr. Nektalov for Recommendation of Care. Based on your blood and urine test results Dr. Nektalov will pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
What are ENZYMES?
Enzymes are very large complex protein molecules. They are responsible for the pre-digestion of our food. Enzymes need to be activated in order for them to do their very specific work. Besides moisture, they require three things to become active: the proper temperature, the proper pH (acid or alkaline), and the right substrate (or material) to break down. For example, protease, the enzyme that breaks down protein will only work on protein, not carbohydrate. Enzymes run every biochemical reaction in our body. This means that enzymes do the WORK in the body whereas vitamins and minerals, also known as coenzymes, are only building blocks. What is poorly understood is how important enzymes are to digestion and to the concept of staying healthy. Think of enzymes as the workers or builders of a house. The house is made up of raw materials called: Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. To build the house, the enzymes put all of the raw materials together to build the house. If there are no enzymes present, the house won’t be built. If there are very few enzymes present, it will take years to build the house; or, the house may never get built at all. Enzymes also nourish the immune system. The immune system is responsible for keeping us from getting sick by destroying bacteria, and viruses.
These are some of the most common problems that our patients present with:
Click on the conditions below to get more information
Memory Loss
Often a woman with PMS will experience forgetfulness, or short term memory loss. This can lead to a feeling of insecurity, consequently providing the impetus for a lack of self esteem. Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions as well as her memory. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Thyroid Health Issues
Millions of women suffer from low thyroid function (medically referred to as hypothyroidism), especially in the perimenopausal and post-menopausal years. Unfortunately the conventional approach to thyroid problems is to treat the thyroid in isolation from the rest of the body. But that just isn’t how your body works. The thyroid gland has an intimate relationship with the other glands in your endocrine system, and interacts with them continuously. This is why thyroid dysfunction doesn’t always originate in the thyroid gland, and why thyroid health depends on the health of your entire endocrine system. For a thyroid gland to function normally it nutritionally requires iodine, fatty acids, protein, and calcium. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of thyroid stress can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
PMS & Enzymes
Are you suffering with symptoms of crying spells, headaches, bloating, bowel problems, back pain, mood swings, irritability, feeling worthless, and abdominal cramping due to your menstrual cycle? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other symptoms too? Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions and physical health. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Hormonal Imbalance
Women in their thirties and some even younger, have started to experience the early onset of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and their associated disorders. Some of these symptoms are depression, extreme fatigue and weariness, allergies, endometriosis [endometriosis symptoms], hair loss and probably facial hair growth, PMS [PMS symptoms], osteoporosis and many other symptoms. Unfortunately, if the symptoms are ignored in the initial stages, they typically worsen as time goes by. The symptoms of hormonal imbalance may be caused by a multitude of reasons, but the basic reason is that there is an incorrect relationship between the hormones, progesterone and estrogen or the minerals of calcium and potassium. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Unexplained Health Problems
If medicine is not able to identify and fix the problem; we have found that 99% of the time the problem is from a nutritional cause. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal. When cells are nourished properly and the waste is removed homeostasis (balance) can be achieved which often leads to resolution of unexplained health problems.
Prevention of illness
When the body undergoes nutritional stress for a long enough period of time, the organs break down and we become sick. Plant enzymes do two things: 1. Digest food and 2. Nourish the immune system. The immune system is what protects us from disease.
Nutritional support for the cardiac system
Even people with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). Today heart disease is the number one killer in America. If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Nutritional support for the immune system
People with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications. When the immune system becomes compromised for a long enough period any disease process such as Cancer, Aids, and MS. can occur. It is important to note that any medical condition will require treatment by a medical doctor; however enzyme nutrition will go a long way to give the body the nutritional support that it will require.
Poor Sleep
Inability to sleep and poor sleep habits are running in epidemic proportions today. Enzyme nutrition uses functional testing procedures to make sure and insure that the adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system are getting the proper nutritional requirements to make sure that they are able to govern normal healthy sleep patterns.
Poor sugar digestion & utilization
All disease processes have nutritional components associated with them. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If poor sugar digestion and utilization occurs for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is diabetes. If you suffer from diabetes, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain is one of the biggest causes of drug addiction today. Plant enzymes along with proper Chiropractic Care have been successfully used to help chronic pain sufferers.
Bone Problems
Are you suffering with pain and stiffness of your joints? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other bone problems? Today modern medicine realizes that calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, glucosamine and collegian are important nutrients for bone health. Unfortunately modern medicine forgets that the only way these nutrients can be carried to the cells is via protein. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest protein efficiently? If bone health is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are arthritis or osteoporosis. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
When organs do not get the proper nutrition, or cannot remove their waste products properly, a very common symptom is fatigue. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal.
Weight Gain / Loss
Inability to control weight is a function of what we eat; how the nutrients are utilized; and how the waste products are removed. Enzyme nutrition looks to find the perfect diet and supplements for the individual patient through test procedures that are reliable, reproducible, and measurable.
Watery eyes/nasal discomfort
Watery Eyes, sneezing, runny/stuffed nose,skin irritations and fatigue are just some of the symptoms that many people sufferer with. None of the symptoms are any fun. Most treatments whether they are OTC medications, prescription medications, or shots are all designed to lessen the symptoms while doing nothing to treat the cause. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are allergies. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help improve the general health and well-being of the body.
Widespread muscle discomfort
Fatigue, joint pain, poor digestion, sleeplessness and depression are just some of the symptoms that people who are suffering with widepread muscle discomfort complain about. If these symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is fibromyalgia. While this condition requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. These patients are typically prescribed anti-depressants, pain medication, and psychotherapy. Incomplete digestion can lead to leaky gut syndrome which in turn leads to chronic inflammation. Enzyme nutrition looks to identify and stabilize leaky gut syndrome which in turn supports the inflammatory process.
Are you suffering with pain and burning in the pit of your stomach or do you have chest pain, difficulty breathing, a cough, or any of the other symptoms that are associated with indigestion? Most people try to calm the symptoms with OTC medications like antacids. When the antacids no longer work they graduate to OTC proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec. If the symptoms prevail for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis are heartburn, gas, bloating, and GERD. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. When the OTC proton pump inhibitors no longer work they usually end up in the gastroenterologist’s office getting an endoscopic exam. Typically the endoscopic exam in patients with heartburn is usually benign so the doctor prescribes even stronger, prescription strength proton pump inhibitors. What the patient usually notices is that the medication either does not work, or it only minimally works, causing the need for more and more medication. The challenge is that ALL medications, even OTC medications have side effects.
Bowel problems
The last part of digestion is elimination of waste products. When a patient suffers from symptoms of bowel dysfunction, it is indicative that the patient is not digesting properly. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the problem is and through dietary modification and the prescribing of supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If the bowel is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are diarrhea or constipation. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Pain in the head
Pain in the head can be quite debilitating. In our office we strive to find the structural and nutritional cause of the pain. Through proper functional testing we are able to identify exactly what foods trigger the patient’s head pain. Once you know the cause of the problem the treatment becomes obvious. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is headache. While the condition of a headache requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Neck and back discomfort
Did you know that neck and back discomfort account for the most time lost from work after the common cold? Once surgery, manipulation, or physical therapy is performed it is vital to make sure that the patient is ingesting, digesting, and assimilating the proper nutrients to aid in healing the affected tissue. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose where the nutritional dysfunction has occurred and fix the problem.
Effective Back Pain Solutions in Forest Hills, NY
We take pride in our holistic approach to back pain treatment, combining the latest chiropractic techniques with wellness strategies to promote long-term relief and improved health. Our collaborative process begins with a thorough assessment to pinpoint the root cause of your discomfort, allowing us to develop a tailored plan that targets your specific issues.
Our goal is to empower you with the tools and knowledge necessary to manage and alleviate back pain effectively. At Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness, we believe in fostering a supportive environment where your well-being is our top priority. Contact us today to start your journey toward a pain-free life.
Back Pain Treatment for Forest Hills, NY
Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness – Premier Destination for Chiropractic Care
Excellence in NYC (New York)
At Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness, we provide specialized chiropractic care tailored to the unique needs of each patient. Dr. Nektalov, an experienced chiropractor, delivers effective, nonsurgical spinal treatments to improve health and enhance quality of life.
Chiropractic Consultations:
Understanding the demands of a fast-paced world, we offer remote chiropractic consultations, enabling you to receive professional advice from the comfort of your home.
Comprehensive Back Care Treatments:
Our clinic specializes in various spinal care treatments, including advanced methods for chiropractic pain relief, whether you’re dealing with chronic back pain or acute discomfort.
Personalized Chiropractic Adjustment Care:
Every patient’s wellness journey is unique. Our chiropractic adjustment care addresses specific issues such as knee pain, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, and more. We use advanced techniques like the chiropractic Y-strap and non-surgical spinal decompression for effective treatment.
Innovative Spine and Pain Solutions:
We offer holistic spinal pain relief using the latest technology and methods for both acute and chronic back pain. As a well-known back pain clinic in New York, we provide comprehensive evaluations and tailored treatment plans.
Posture Correction and Spine Correction:
Poor posture can lead to various health issues. Our posture and spine correction services aim to align the body properly, providing lasting relief and improving overall health.
Treatment of Hip Pain and Other Joint Discomforts:
We recognize the impact of joint pain on daily life. Our holistic approach to treating hip pain and other joint issues focuses on improving function and reducing pain without invasive procedures.
- Advanced Spinal Decompression
- Chiropractic Y-Strap
- Functional Enzyme Therapy
Advanced Spinal Decompression
What is “Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy”?
Instead of Back Surgery or Injections, Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy uses traction to gently pull apart compressed vertebrae in order to alleviate back pain and heal dysfunctional spinal discs.
It's pain free, drug free, surgery free and addresses the problem rather than masking the symptoms.
How does it work?
The KDT Spinal Decompression Table uses a sophisticated harness and pulley system to gently stretch your spinal chord releasing the pressure on crushed spinal discs.
Will it cure my back pain, or just relieve my symptoms temporarily?
As your vertebrae gradually separates, negative pressure is created, sucking displaced spinal material back into the correct positionand allowing your body's natural healing mechanisms to regenerate healthy discs for long-term Pain Free living.

Advanced Spinal Decompression
What is “Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy”?
Instead of Back Surgery or Injections, Advanced Spinal Decompression Therapy uses traction to gently pull apart compressed vertebrae in order to alleviate back pain and heal dysfunctional spinal discs.
It’s pain free, drug free, surgery free and addresses the problem rather than masking the symptoms.
How does it work?
The KDT Spinal Decompression Table uses a sophisticated harness and pulley system to gently stretch your spinal chord releasing the pressure on crushed spinal discs.
Will it cure my back pain, or just relieve my symptoms temporarily?
As your vertebrae gradually separates, negative pressure is created, sucking displaced spinal material back into the correct positionand allowing your body’s natural healing mechanisms to regenerate healthy discs for long-term Pain Free living.
Chiropractic Y-Strap
What Is Chiropractic Manmual Spinal Decompression Adjustment?
Chiropractic Spinal Care uses the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model to restore health and functionality to the spine using a combination of targeted therapies to relieve pain and improve posture.
What is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model?
It "emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional based outcomes ".
Why is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model important?
This model is important and unique in that it aims to treat the structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture. It is also an evidence-based model whereby the ideal posture and spinal alignment goals are based on numerous scientific studies. This means that your personal goal is not based on a doctor's subjective opinion of an ideal posture or ideal spinal alignment for you.

Chiropractic Y-Stap
What Is Chiropractic Manmual Spinal Decompression Adjustment?
Chiropractic Spinal Care uses the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model to restore health and functionality to the spine using a combination of targeted therapies to relieve pain and improve posture.
What is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model?
It “emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional based outcomes “.
Why is the Chiropractic Bio-Physics Model important?
This model is important and unique in that it aims to treat the structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture. It is also an evidence-based model whereby the ideal posture and spinal alignment goals are based on numerous scientific studies. This means that your personal goal is not based on a doctor’s subjective opinion of an ideal posture or ideal spinal alignment for you.
Functional Enzyme Therapy
If you are sick, or if you want to prevent illness then, you need to take Immediate Action:
With over 10 years of experience helping people just like you achieve their health goals, Dr. Nektalov has the knowledge and experience to make a difference in your health. Our HEALTH CENTER specializes in Functional Digestive Nutritional Testing and Functional Enzyme Therapy. Based on blood and urine test procedures that are reliable, reproducible and measurable, we can pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
Your Initial Visit:
You will have opportunity to speak with Dr. Nektalov about your health challenges and goals. He will take very detail health history, if he believes that someone else is better to help you with achieving your goals, he will tell you exactly who that would be. If Dr. Nektalov believes he can help you, he will start with Visceral Stress Points Exam. For more objective exam Dr. Nektalov will order Blood work and 24-Hour Urine Analysis. While we are waiting for results (7-10 business days), you will take home Signs & Symptoms Assessment. Once we receive your blood & urine results from the laboratory, Dr. Nektalov will analyse it for Nutritional Deficiency. We will then call you to set up follow up visit with Dr. Nektalov for Recommendation of Care. Based on your blood and urine test results Dr. Nektalov will pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
What are ENZYMES?
Enzymes are very large complex protein molecules. They are responsible for the pre-digestion of our food. Enzymes need to be activated in order for them to do their very specific work. Besides moisture, they require three things to become active: the proper temperature, the proper pH (acid or alkaline), and the right substrate (or material) to break down. For example, protease, the enzyme that breaks down protein will only work on protein, not carbohydrate. Enzymes run every biochemical reaction in our body. This means that enzymes do the WORK in the body whereas vitamins and minerals, also known as coenzymes, are only building blocks. What is poorly understood is how important enzymes are to digestion and to the concept of staying healthy. Think of enzymes as the workers or builders of a house. The house is made up of raw materials called: Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. To build the house, the enzymes put all of the raw materials together to build the house. If there are no enzymes present, the house won’t be built. If there are very few enzymes present, it will take years to build the house; or, the house may never get built at all. Enzymes also nourish the immune system. The immune system is responsible for keeping us from getting sick by destroying bacteria, and viruses.
These are some of the most common problems that our patients present with:
Click on the conditions below to get more information
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain is one of the biggest causes of drug addiction today. Plant enzymes along with proper Chiropractic Care have been successfully used to help chronic pain sufferers.
Bone Problems
Are you suffering with pain and stiffness of your joints? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other bone problems? Today modern medicine realizes that calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, glucosamine and collegian are important nutrients for bone health. Unfortunately modern medicine forgets that the only way these nutrients can be carried to the cells is via protein. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest protein efficiently? If bone health is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are arthritis or osteoporosis. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Pain in the head
Pain in the head can be quite debilitating. In our office we strive to find the structural and nutritional cause of the pain. Through proper functional testing we are able to identify exactly what foods trigger the patient’s head pain. Once you know the cause of the problem the treatment becomes obvious. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is headache. While the condition of a headache requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Neck and back discomfort
Did you know that neck and back discomfort account for the most time lost from work after the common cold? Once surgery, manipulation, or physical therapy is performed it is vital to make sure that the patient is ingesting, digesting, and assimilating the proper nutrients to aid in healing the affected tissue. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose where the nutritional dysfunction has occurred and fix the problem.
Are you suffering with pain and burning in the pit of your stomach or do you have chest pain, difficulty breathing, a cough, or any of the other symptoms that are associated with indigestion? Most people try to calm the symptoms with OTC medications like antacids. When the antacids no longer work they graduate to OTC proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec. If the symptoms prevail for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis are heartburn, gas, bloating, and GERD. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. When the OTC proton pump inhibitors no longer work they usually end up in the gastroenterologist’s office getting an endoscopic exam. Typically the endoscopic exam in patients with heartburn is usually benign so the doctor prescribes even stronger, prescription strength proton pump inhibitors. What the patient usually notices is that the medication either does not work, or it only minimally works, causing the need for more and more medication. The challenge is that ALL medications, even OTC medications have side effects.
Bowel problems
The last part of digestion is elimination of waste products. When a patient suffers from symptoms of bowel dysfunction, it is indicative that the patient is not digesting properly. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the problem is and through dietary modification and the prescribing of supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If the bowel is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are diarrhea or constipation. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Watery eyes/nasal discomfort
Watery Eyes, sneezing, runny/stuffed nose,skin irritations and fatigue are just some of the symptoms that many people sufferer with. None of the symptoms are any fun. Most treatments whether they are OTC medications, prescription medications, or shots are all designed to lessen the symptoms while doing nothing to treat the cause. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are allergies. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help improve the general health and well-being of the body.
Widespread muscle discomfort
Fatigue, joint pain, poor digestion, sleeplessness and depression are just some of the symptoms that people who are suffering with widepread muscle discomfort complain about. If these symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is fibromyalgia. While this condition requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. These patients are typically prescribed anti-depressants, pain medication, and psychotherapy. Incomplete digestion can lead to leaky gut syndrome which in turn leads to chronic inflammation. Enzyme nutrition looks to identify and stabilize leaky gut syndrome which in turn supports the inflammatory process.
When organs do not get the proper nutrition, or cannot remove their waste products properly, a very common symptom is fatigue. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal.
Weight Gain / Loss
Inability to control weight is a function of what we eat; how the nutrients are utilized; and how the waste products are removed. Enzyme nutrition looks to find the perfect diet and supplements for the individual patient through test procedures that are reliable, reproducible, and measurable.
Poor Sleep
Inability to sleep and poor sleep habits are running in epidemic proportions today. Enzyme nutrition uses functional testing procedures to make sure and insure that the adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system are getting the proper nutritional requirements to make sure that they are able to govern normal healthy sleep patterns.
Poor sugar digestion & utilization
All disease processes have nutritional components associated with them. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If poor sugar digestion and utilization occurs for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is diabetes. If you suffer from diabetes, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Nutritional support for the cardiac system
Even people with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). Today heart disease is the number one killer in America. If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Nutritional support for the immune system
People with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications. When the immune system becomes compromised for a long enough period any disease process such as Cancer, Aids, and MS. can occur. It is important to note that any medical condition will require treatment by a medical doctor; however enzyme nutrition will go a long way to give the body the nutritional support that it will require.
Unexplained Health Problems
If medicine is not able to identify and fix the problem; we have found that 99% of the time the problem is from a nutritional cause. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal. When cells are nourished properly and the waste is removed homeostasis (balance) can be achieved which often leads to resolution of unexplained health problems.
Prevention of illness
When the body undergoes nutritional stress for a long enough period of time, the organs break down and we become sick. Plant enzymes do two things: 1. Digest food and 2. Nourish the immune system. The immune system is what protects us from disease.
PMS & Enzymes
Are you suffering with symptoms of crying spells, headaches, bloating, bowel problems, back pain, mood swings, irritability, feeling worthless, and abdominal cramping due to your menstrual cycle? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other symptoms too? Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions and physical health. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Hormonal Imbalance
Women in their thirties and some even younger, have started to experience the early onset of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and their associated disorders. Some of these symptoms are depression, extreme fatigue and weariness, allergies, endometriosis [endometriosis symptoms], hair loss and probably facial hair growth, PMS [PMS symptoms], osteoporosis and many other symptoms. Unfortunately, if the symptoms are ignored in the initial stages, they typically worsen as time goes by. The symptoms of hormonal imbalance may be caused by a multitude of reasons, but the basic reason is that there is an incorrect relationship between the hormones, progesterone and estrogen or the minerals of calcium and potassium. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Memory Loss
Often a woman with PMS will experience forgetfulness, or short term memory loss. This can lead to a feeling of insecurity, consequently providing the impetus for a lack of self esteem. Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions as well as her memory. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Health Issues
Millions of women suffer from low function (medically referred to as hypothyroidism), especially in the perimenopausal and post-menopausal years. Unfortunately the conventional approach to problems is to treat the in isolation from the rest of the body. But that just isn’t how your body works. The gland has an intimate relationship with the other glands in your endocrine system, and interacts with them continuously. This is why dysfunction doesn’t always originate in the gland, and why health depends on the health of your entire endocrine system. For a gland to function normally it nutritionally requires iodine, fatty acids, protein, and calcium. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of stress can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.

Functional Enzyme Therapy
If you are sick, or if you want to prevent illness then, you need to take Immediate Action:
With over 10 years of experience helping people just like you achieve their health goals, Dr. Nektalov has the knowledge and experience to make a difference in your health. Our HEALTH CENTER specializes in Functional Digestive Nutritional Testing and Functional Enzyme Therapy. Based on blood and urine test procedures that are reliable, reproducible and measurable, we can pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
Your Initial Visit:
You will have opportunity to speak with Dr. Nektalov about your health challenges and goals. He will take very detail health history, if he believes that someone else is better to help you with achieving your goals, he will tell you exactly who that would be. If Dr. Nektalov believes he can help you, he will start with Visceral Stress Points Exam. For more objective exam Dr. Nektalov will order Blood work and 24-Hour Urine Analysis. While we are waiting for results (7-10 business days), you will take home Signs & Symptoms Assessment. Once we receive your blood & urine results from the laboratory, Dr. Nektalov will analyse it for Nutritional Deficiency. We will then call you to set up follow up visit with Dr. Nektalov for Recommendation of Care. Based on your blood and urine test results Dr. Nektalov will pinpoint the perfect diet for you, and the exact supplements that your body needs to restore healing on a cellular level.
What are ENZYMES?
Enzymes are very large complex protein molecules. They are responsible for the pre-digestion of our food. Enzymes need to be activated in order for them to do their very specific work. Besides moisture, they require three things to become active: the proper temperature, the proper pH (acid or alkaline), and the right substrate (or material) to break down. For example, protease, the enzyme that breaks down protein will only work on protein, not carbohydrate. Enzymes run every biochemical reaction in our body. This means that enzymes do the WORK in the body whereas vitamins and minerals, also known as coenzymes, are only building blocks. What is poorly understood is how important enzymes are to digestion and to the concept of staying healthy. Think of enzymes as the workers or builders of a house. The house is made up of raw materials called: Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. To build the house, the enzymes put all of the raw materials together to build the house. If there are no enzymes present, the house won’t be built. If there are very few enzymes present, it will take years to build the house; or, the house may never get built at all. Enzymes also nourish the immune system. The immune system is responsible for keeping us from getting sick by destroying bacteria, and viruses.
These are some of the most common problems that our patients present with:
Click on the conditions below to get more information
Memory Loss
Often a woman with PMS will experience forgetfulness, or short term memory loss. This can lead to a feeling of insecurity, consequently providing the impetus for a lack of self esteem. Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions as well as her memory. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Thyroid Health Issues
Millions of women suffer from low thyroid function (medically referred to as hypothyroidism), especially in the perimenopausal and post-menopausal years. Unfortunately the conventional approach to thyroid problems is to treat the thyroid in isolation from the rest of the body. But that just isn’t how your body works. The thyroid gland has an intimate relationship with the other glands in your endocrine system, and interacts with them continuously. This is why thyroid dysfunction doesn’t always originate in the thyroid gland, and why thyroid health depends on the health of your entire endocrine system. For a thyroid gland to function normally it nutritionally requires iodine, fatty acids, protein, and calcium. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of thyroid stress can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
PMS & Enzymes
Are you suffering with symptoms of crying spells, headaches, bloating, bowel problems, back pain, mood swings, irritability, feeling worthless, and abdominal cramping due to your menstrual cycle? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other symptoms too? Today modern medicine realizes that a woman’s menstrual cycle can play havoc on her emotions and physical health. Unfortunately, as so many women can attest, modern medicine, falls quite short in the treatment of the problem. What is overlooked in our society is the tremendous role that nutrition and enzymes play in a normal functioning monthly cycle. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Hormonal Imbalance
Women in their thirties and some even younger, have started to experience the early onset of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and their associated disorders. Some of these symptoms are depression, extreme fatigue and weariness, allergies, endometriosis [endometriosis symptoms], hair loss and probably facial hair growth, PMS [PMS symptoms], osteoporosis and many other symptoms. Unfortunately, if the symptoms are ignored in the initial stages, they typically worsen as time goes by. The symptoms of hormonal imbalance may be caused by a multitude of reasons, but the basic reason is that there is an incorrect relationship between the hormones, progesterone and estrogen or the minerals of calcium and potassium. Remember a woman’s cycle is based on her hormones and her nervous system. Hormones are created from fatty acids and the nervous system is run on the minerals, calcium and potassium. The other overlooked piece is the huge important role that enzymes play in the digestion of the diet and the absorption of the nutrients and minerals to run the nervous and hormonal systems. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest efficiently? Coupled with the fact that our foods lack the concentration of nutrients that they once had because of over-farming, and the use of pesticides, even if you eat the best diet in the world, it is hard to get adequate nutrition. When the body is nutritionally deprived for a long enough period of time, symptoms of nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression, and possibly headaches, edema, and painful breasts can appear. Enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Unexplained Health Problems
If medicine is not able to identify and fix the problem; we have found that 99% of the time the problem is from a nutritional cause. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal. When cells are nourished properly and the waste is removed homeostasis (balance) can be achieved which often leads to resolution of unexplained health problems.
Prevention of illness
When the body undergoes nutritional stress for a long enough period of time, the organs break down and we become sick. Plant enzymes do two things: 1. Digest food and 2. Nourish the immune system. The immune system is what protects us from disease.
Nutritional support for the cardiac system
Even people with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). Today heart disease is the number one killer in America. If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Nutritional support for the immune system
People with disease processes need good nutrition. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If you suffer from any disease process, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications. When the immune system becomes compromised for a long enough period any disease process such as Cancer, Aids, and MS. can occur. It is important to note that any medical condition will require treatment by a medical doctor; however enzyme nutrition will go a long way to give the body the nutritional support that it will require.
Poor Sleep
Inability to sleep and poor sleep habits are running in epidemic proportions today. Enzyme nutrition uses functional testing procedures to make sure and insure that the adrenal glands and sympathetic nervous system are getting the proper nutritional requirements to make sure that they are able to govern normal healthy sleep patterns.
Poor sugar digestion & utilization
All disease processes have nutritional components associated with them. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the nutritional dysfunction is and through dietary modification and supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If poor sugar digestion and utilization occurs for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is diabetes. If you suffer from diabetes, you will need to have your medical doctor treat your disease. Enzyme nutrition does not treat disease; it only helps nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system. We have found that even sick people need good nutrition. When nutrients get passed an incompetent digestive system many patients report that their medical doctors were able to lessen or discontinue their medications.
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain is one of the biggest causes of drug addiction today. Plant enzymes along with proper Chiropractic Care have been successfully used to help chronic pain sufferers.
Bone Problems
Are you suffering with pain and stiffness of your joints? Are you concerned about, or, are you suffering with other bone problems? Today modern medicine realizes that calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, glucosamine and collegian are important nutrients for bone health. Unfortunately modern medicine forgets that the only way these nutrients can be carried to the cells is via protein. Did you know that once a person passes the age of forty, they no longer digest protein efficiently? If bone health is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are arthritis or osteoporosis. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
When organs do not get the proper nutrition, or cannot remove their waste products properly, a very common symptom is fatigue. Enzyme nutrition looks to deliver the proper nutrition to the cells and to aid in waste removal.
Weight Gain / Loss
Inability to control weight is a function of what we eat; how the nutrients are utilized; and how the waste products are removed. Enzyme nutrition looks to find the perfect diet and supplements for the individual patient through test procedures that are reliable, reproducible, and measurable.
Watery eyes/nasal discomfort
Watery Eyes, sneezing, runny/stuffed nose,skin irritations and fatigue are just some of the symptoms that many people sufferer with. None of the symptoms are any fun. Most treatments whether they are OTC medications, prescription medications, or shots are all designed to lessen the symptoms while doing nothing to treat the cause. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are allergies. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help improve the general health and well-being of the body.
Widespread muscle discomfort
Fatigue, joint pain, poor digestion, sleeplessness and depression are just some of the symptoms that people who are suffering with widepread muscle discomfort complain about. If these symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is fibromyalgia. While this condition requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. These patients are typically prescribed anti-depressants, pain medication, and psychotherapy. Incomplete digestion can lead to leaky gut syndrome which in turn leads to chronic inflammation. Enzyme nutrition looks to identify and stabilize leaky gut syndrome which in turn supports the inflammatory process.
Are you suffering with pain and burning in the pit of your stomach or do you have chest pain, difficulty breathing, a cough, or any of the other symptoms that are associated with indigestion? Most people try to calm the symptoms with OTC medications like antacids. When the antacids no longer work they graduate to OTC proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec. If the symptoms prevail for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis are heartburn, gas, bloating, and GERD. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body. When the OTC proton pump inhibitors no longer work they usually end up in the gastroenterologist’s office getting an endoscopic exam. Typically the endoscopic exam in patients with heartburn is usually benign so the doctor prescribes even stronger, prescription strength proton pump inhibitors. What the patient usually notices is that the medication either does not work, or it only minimally works, causing the need for more and more medication. The challenge is that ALL medications, even OTC medications have side effects.
Bowel problems
The last part of digestion is elimination of waste products. When a patient suffers from symptoms of bowel dysfunction, it is indicative that the patient is not digesting properly. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose exactly where the problem is and through dietary modification and the prescribing of supplemental enzymes help the body to restore homeostasis (balance). If the bowel is compromised for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnoses are diarrhea or constipation. While these conditions require medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Pain in the head
Pain in the head can be quite debilitating. In our office we strive to find the structural and nutritional cause of the pain. Through proper functional testing we are able to identify exactly what foods trigger the patient’s head pain. Once you know the cause of the problem the treatment becomes obvious. If the symptoms persist for a long enough period of time, the most common medical diagnosis is headache. While the condition of a headache requires medical treatment, enzyme nutrition helps get nutrients passed an incompetent digestive system to help support the general health and well-being of the body.
Neck and back discomfort
Did you know that neck and back discomfort account for the most time lost from work after the common cold? Once surgery, manipulation, or physical therapy is performed it is vital to make sure that the patient is ingesting, digesting, and assimilating the proper nutrients to aid in healing the affected tissue. Through functional digestive testing, we are able to accurately diagnose where the nutritional dysfunction has occurred and fix the problem.
What We Treat
Comprehensive Solutions for Diverse Health Concerns…
At Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness, we specialize in addressing a wide range of physical ailments, offering effective treatments to enhance your well-being. Our focus is on holistic healing, targeting the root cause of your discomfort.
Back Pain Treatment: Back pain, especially lower back pain, is a common issue that can significantly affect your quality of life. Methods back pain treatments focus on alleviating discomfort and restoring mobility.
Neck Pain Solutions: Pain in the neck can arise from various causes, including poor posture and stress.
Mid-Back Pain / Chest Treatment: While often associated with cardiac issues, chest pain can also stem from musculoskeletal problems. Our approach in accurately diagnosing and treating Mid-Back/Chest-related discomfort.
Joint Pain Treatment: Joint pain, whether it’s in the shoulder, hip, or knee, can be debilitating. Specialized joint pain treatments, including advanced knee pain treatment methods, to improve joint function and reduce pain you can find in our office.
Herniated Disc Treatment: A herniated disc can cause severe pain and mobility issues.
Headache and Migraine Relief: Headaches, including migraines, can have a profound impact on your daily activities. We offer effective solutions to manage and alleviate headache symptoms.
Managing Numbness and Chronic Fatigue: Numbness and chronic fatigue can be symptoms of underlying health issues. Our team works to identify the causes and that address these concerns.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation: Athletes often face injuries that require specialized care. We find way to expedite recovery and prevent future injuries.
Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief: Sciatica can cause intense pain and discomfort.
Back Pain
Back pain is a sensation of discomfort or pain in the upper, middle, or lower back, which can range from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing sensation.
Bulged discs
Bulged discs occur when a spinal disc protrudes outward, potentially causing pressure on nearby nerves and resulting in pain or discomfort.
Headache is a painful or discomforting sensation in the head, scalp, or neck, which can vary in intensity, duration, and location.
Herniated disc
A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, is a spinal condition where the inner gel-like material of a spinal disc protrudes through a tear in its outer layer, causing pain and discomfort.
Hip pain
Hip pain is a discomforting sensation in the hip joint or the surrounding area, which can range from a mild ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, arthritis, or overuse.
Knee pain
Knee pain is a painful or discomforting sensation in the knee joint or surrounding area, which can range from a dull ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, arthritis, or overuse.
Neck pain
Neck pain is a discomforting sensation in the neck or upper back area, which can range from a mild ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, poor posture, or degenerative conditions.
Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs, which is caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve.
Sciatic nerve
Sciatic nerve pain is a sharp, shooting, or burning pain that radiates from the lower back down the buttock and leg, caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.
Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain is a discomforting sensation in the shoulder or surrounding area, which can range from a mild ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, overuse, or degenerative conditions.
What We Treat

Back Pain
Back pain is a sensation of discomfort or pain in the upper, middle, or lower back, which can range from a dull ache to a sharp stabbing sensation.

Bulged discs
Bulged discs occur when a spinal disc protrudes outward, potentially causing pressure on nearby nerves and resulting in pain or discomfort.

Headache is a painful or discomforting sensation in the head, scalp, or neck, which can vary in intensity, duration, and location.

Herniated disc
A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, is a spinal condition where the inner gel-like material of a spinal disc protrudes through a tear in its outer layer, causing pain and discomfort.

Hip pain
Hip pain is a discomforting sensation in the hip joint or the surrounding area, which can range from a mild ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, arthritis, or overuse.

Knee pain
Knee pain is a painful or discomforting sensation in the knee joint or surrounding area, which can range from a dull ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, arthritis, or overuse.

Neck pain
Neck pain is a discomforting sensation in the neck or upper back area, which can range from a mild ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, poor posture, or degenerative conditions.

Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain, numbness, or weakness in the lower back and legs, which is caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Sciatic nerve
Sciatic nerve pain is a sharp, shooting, or burning pain that radiates from the lower back down the buttock and leg, caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.

Shoulder pain
Shoulder pain is a discomforting sensation in the shoulder or surrounding area, which can range from a mild ache to a sharp, intense pain, and can be caused by various factors, such as injury, overuse, or degenerative conditions.
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“Discover natural healing with chiropractic care”
Meet Our Team

Dr. Boris Nektalov
Dr. Boris Nektalov, DC earned his doctorate in Chiropractic at Life University with a passion to help people get healthy and stay healthy. Founder of Nektalov Family Chiropractic & PT Center, Dr. Nektalov focuses on total body wellness through maintaining a healthy spine and healthy digestive system.
Dr. Nektalov practices and specializing in a non-surgical spinal decompression treatment. His objective is to research, review and develop the best integral treatment for neck and back herniated disc related conditions and help people with digestive disorders with Enzyme Nutrition Therapy.
He continues to travel all over the world to obtain the most resent and advanced research and procedures on treating spinal conditions. Dr. Nektalov is the only Doctor in the Queens New York metropolitan area offering chiropractic spinal corrective care, non-surgical spinal decompression and Enzyme Nutrition Therapy.

Shimla joined Nektalov Health & Wellness Center in 2017 with the goal of helping our patients reach their health goals.With years of customer service experience and with amazing smile and great sense of humor quickly makes our patients feel welcomed.
As the best office manager, Shimla has a great knowledge of insurance, and will gladly help you with your office account and any questions you may have regarding your insurance. She is great at connecting with each patient and putting their concerns at ease. She will help you and your family get scheduled here at our Health & Wellness Center, as well as acclimated into our office family.

As a social media director Nadya’s role is to create informative content related to chiropractic care, wellness, and health tips on our social media platforms . She manages the office social media accounts on YouTube, Facebook , Twitter , Tiktok and Instagram by posting, engaging and replying to comments. Nadyas goal is to create awareness and the benefits of Chiropractic care which includes correcting spinal misalignments , posture, pain relief, and improved functionality .

Samantha's Bio
Samantha has joined the team to ensure your experience at Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness is smooth, comfortable and for our patients to reach their health goals. Her objectives include discussing optimal care plans, aiding you throughout your treatment, and scheduling appointments tailored to your busy schedule.
Samantha is here to address any inquiries about our services and make your visit as stress-free as can be. She takes great pride in being a valuable member of a team dedicated to enhancing your health and quality of life through chiropractic treatments.
Meet Our Team
At the heart of our clinic’s success is our dedicated team, led by the esteemed Dr. Boris Nektalov. He is passionate about providing the highest quality care to enhance your well-being. Let’s introduce you to the skilled professionals who make this possible.
Dr. Boris Nektalov – A Pioneer in Wellness Care
As the founder of Nektalov Wellness, Dr. Boris Nektalov has dedicated his career to advancing methods of treatment and improving overall well-being. His expertise in addressing complex back and neck pain issues has made our clinic a leading destination for those seeking effective pain relief.
Shimla – The Backbone of Back Care Treatments
Shimla, a vital member of our team, specializes in innovative back care treatments. Her approach combines traditional methods with modern techniques, ensuring each patient receives personalized and effective care.
Our Specialists – Masters of Pain Relief
Our team of specialists is deeply committed to providing relief from various forms of musculoskeletal pain. They are well-versed in the latest treatment methods, ensuring that every patient benefits from a holistic and comprehensive approach to pain management.
Why Choose Our Team for Your Wellness Needs?
Expertise in Diverse Treatments: Whether it’s managing chronic back pain or treating acute neck discomfort, our team’s wide-ranging expertise ensures all your needs are met. Personalized Care: We believe in treating each patient as an individual, tailoring our treatments to meet your unique health goals. Commitment to Excellence: Our team is continuously learning and evolving, staying abreast of the latest advancements in wellness care. At Nektalov Wellness, we’re not just a team; we’re a family dedicated to enhancing your well-being. Whether you’re seeking pain relief, neck pain treatment, or comprehensive back care, our team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health.
Experience the Nektalov Wellness Difference
Meet our team in person and experience the compassionate, expert care that sets us apart. Visit us at the Dr. Boris Nektalov clinic and discover a new standard in wellness and treatment.
Dr. Nektalov practices and specializing in a non-surgical spinal decompression treatment. His objective is to research, review and develop the best integral treatment for neck and back herniated disc related conditions and help people with digestive disorders with Enzyme Nutrition Therapy.
He continues to travel all over the world to obtain the most resent and advanced research and procedures on treating spinal conditions. Dr. Nektalov is the only Doctor in the Queens New York metropolitan area offering chiropractic spinal corrective care, non-surgical spinal decompression and Enzyme Nutrition Therapy.
As the best office manager, Shimla has a great knowledge of insurance, and will gladly help you with your office account and any questions you may have regarding your insurance. She is great at connecting with each patient and putting their concerns at ease. She will help you and your family get scheduled here at our Health & Wellness Center, as well as acclimated into our office family.
She manages the office social media accounts on YouTube, Facebook , Twitter , Tiktok and Instagram by posting, engaging and replying to comments.
Nadyas goal is to create awareness and the benefits of Chiropractic care which includes correcting spinal misalignments , posture, pain relief, and improved functionality .
Samantha is here to address any inquiries about our services and make your visit as stress-free as can be. She takes great pride in being a valuable member of a team dedicated to enhancing your health and quality of life through chiropractic treatments.
Jonathan Shakhmoroff2023-12-24 This office has a wide range of services including x-ray. A one-stop‐shop for many physical issues. Jennifer Sachmechi2023-12-24 Dr Nektalov has helped me figure out all my pains! He started off with x-rays and a care plan to manage all my pain! I am so happy I found him. I've been coming here every week for 3 months and my back has never felt better. Benny Khafi2023-12-21 Before finding Nektalov Chiropractic, I experienced frequent neck pain. But after going there, my neck feels way better! The people there really know their stuff, and now I can do things without that constant pain. I totally recommend Nektalov Chiropractic to anyone with neck troubles or back problems Ashley Perez2023-12-17 I have been a patient of Dr. Boris for over 6 years and I can’t say enough great things about his practice. It started with spinal correction treatment because I have a herniated disc located at L5 S1. I’m thrilled to say I only come now for monthly chiropractic adjustments and feel great! Dr. Boris truly cares about the well being of his patients and does everything he can to not only help you feel better but to be healed. Thank you so much Dr. Boris! Michael Rangini2023-12-16 Amazing service, after a few visits I already saw a huge progress and I’m very happy with the results. Thank you Dr. Boris and staff! Vee el2023-12-15 Wow!!! I’m so glad I found this place. The ladies at the front desk are amazing!!! They’re extremely accommodating and friendly. I came in with horrible back pain and plan on returning for treatment. The doctor is very knowledgeable and takes his time to break everything down into detail. Highly recommend this spot. John Londono2023-12-14 I highly recommend coming here ! Since coming to Dr. Nektalov's office in just a few weeks I've seen a huge difference in my back pain. Shimla and Samantha are always welcoming and accommodating. I always look forward to my appointments =) Peter K2023-12-13 One of the best doctors I ever met. anthony loprete2023-12-11 My recent visit at Nektalov Chiropractic & Wellness left me thoroughly impressed. The chiropractic care was exceptional, and my back feels better than it has in ages. What stood out even more was the efficiency and friendliness of the office team. From the moment I walked in, the office team ensured a seamless experience. They were not only professional but also genuinely welcoming, making the entire visit pleasant. I appreciate the dedication to patient care, and I highly recommend this chiropractic office for those looking for both effective treatment and a supportive team.
Why choose us
Pain Alleviation: Through chiropractic adjustments, relief from various types of pains including: back discomfort, neck stiffness, joint soreness, sciatica and headaches
Enhanced Mobility: Addressing spinal and joint misalignments, chiropractic care frequently leads to improved range of motion and overall physical function.
Facilitated Healing: Chiropractic adjustments may stimulate better circulation and nerve function, potentially aiding the body’s innate healing processes.
Preventative Measures: Regular chiropractic adjustments can aid in preventing health issues and sustain optimal health by maintaining the alignment of the spine and nervous system.
Holistic Wellness: Embracing a holistic approach, chiropractic care integrates lifestyle changes, nutritional guidance, and exercise recommendations alongside manual therapies.
Minimally Invasive Approach: Avoiding the use of drugs or surgical procedures, chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and potentially safer treatment for managing certain conditions.
Customized Care Plans: Chiropractors develop individualized treatment strategies to address individual’s specific needs and conditions, accounting for factors like age, health condition, and specific health objectives.
Synergistic Support: Chiropractic care seamlessly integrates with other healthcare modalities such as physical therapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture, fostering a comprehensive approach to wellness.
Diploma and Certificates